Purchasing Power Estimator

Purchasing Power Estimator calculates the future worth of the money you have today. It is basically the opposite of Inflation Calculator. As you know that the longer you keep the money idle, the more it depreciates in value. In otherwords, this app calculates the remaing money you'll end up having after inflation erodes your money away. This app uses the following formula to calculate:-

Compound Interest Formula

A → Final Amount
P → Principal (Initial Amount)
r → Annual Interest Rate (in %) divided by 100
n → Time period (in years)

This app is very useful if you are planning to park your cash in a bank account for a while or any other equivalent. It might also help you figure out how much you gotta increase or decrease your expenses and investments in a specific period of time.


The inflation rate you are entering won't stay constant for a long period of time. It varies due to many factors like government policies, oil and gas prices and supply and demand in the market. So use this calculation to plan ahead and create a financial moat around you to save your wealth from inflation.

Photographed by:- Andrea Piacquadio