Budget Planner

Unnamed Budget


It's empty here! try adding some entries to see its insights and download 'em if you need to.

This app helps you sort your income and expenses by entering them in this console and gives you some key metrics to focus on and prepare a budget for the near future. It seems trivial at first, but often some expenses go unnoticed. They might be something you were never planning to purchase. When you read your bank statements, it often gets overlooked by larger transactions which makes it even more harder to find. But if you prepare a budget plan ahead. Let's say for the next month or even the next year and stick with it. That will tremendously help you find some unwanted expenses and eliminate them, saving money in that process.

Warren Buffet once said, "Rule No.1 never lose money. Rule No.2 never forget rule No.1". This app's aim is to help you stick with this philosophy by planning ahead. It is a lot easier to build wealth by saving money than finding riskier ventures to make the snowball rolling. Although the second approach yields higher returns. It is not affordable for common men.

You can start using the app by entering its name at the top by clicking a pencil icon which opens a text field to save your budget name. To start adding entries hit the big Square button with "+" symbol on it. It opens a form which asks for the entry name, type of entry - An Income or an Expense and the amount. When you are done adding entries to your budget plan. Hit the tick button on the top right corner of the console to see the results of your budget plan.

Once you are done with the budget planning the console generates the following metrics which you can use to streamline your spending habits:-

  • Average Expense Entry:-

    This metric helps you understand how evenly your expenses are distributed. The unwritten rule is, the smaller the difference between the highest expense in the list and this metric (Average Expense per Entry) the healthier your spending plan is. In otherwords, you do not have any bulk expenses in your plan.

  • Total Expenses:-

    This one is self explanatory. The total value of all the expenses combined in your budget plan.

  • Total Income:-

    Another self explanatory metric. The total value of all the incomes combined in your budget plan.

  • Turonver Rate:-

    It is the percentage of net income as a part of your total income. This is a very crucial metric which helps to determine whether your budget plan is favoring your pocket. The higher this percentage is the better. But if it is too high ? then you are missing your life buddy 😉.

  • Number of Entries:-

    The total number of entries in your budget plan. The longer the count goes the better you have control over your financial activities.

  • Net Income:-

    The remaining income after eliminating all your expenses from your total income. The one metric everybody wants to see it rise.

  • Efficiency Factor:-

    It is the multiples of average expense per entry over net income. The higher this factor is the stronger your expense distribution is. In other words, your expenses are kinda balanced with your Income.

The above metrics help you identify what kind of expenses are preventing you from building some wealth by saving money. Make the most of your net income and save it to face any unforseen circumstances, Good luck!

Photographed by:- Andrea Piacquadio